Andre Leiradella

Generalist Programmer | printf("", "andre", "leiradella");


Blinking the LED

by Andre Leiradella


Now that we have a better understanding of how the Raspberry Pi boards boot the kernel, it’s time for the Hello World of the bare metal programming: blink the activity LED.

We’ll write as much as possible in C99, only using __asm statements when absolutely necessary, i.e. to directly access registers. We’ll also try to support all the Raspberry Pi boards, so it won’t be exactly a walk in the park as we’ll see.

For now we’ll only deal with AArch32 since there won’t be much benefit going with 64-bits now.

Please read SmartStart32.S explained and The Raspberry Pi Stubs before moving forward if you haven’t already.


We’ll use arm-none-eabi-gcc and friends to compile bare metal, platform-independent code for our Raspberry Pi. Just install the gcc-arm-none-eabi for your system and you’ll be able to compile the code presented here.

The kmain Function

As we already know, the kernel will be loaded in memory starting at address 0x00008000, and this address is also the entry point that will be called by the subs. We also know that this entry point will be called with:

The ARM ABI says that the first four arguments to a C function are passed in registers r0, r1, r2, and r3. So our kmain function can be written as:

#include <stdint.h>

void kmain(
  const uint32_t zero,
  const uint32_t machine_type,
  const uint32_t atags_addr) {

The Stack

There are two issues with that though. The first one is that kmain is not really a regular C function: we don’t have a valid stack so the function cannot set up its function frame. We could write two lines of assembly code starting at 0x00008000 to set up the sp register and then jump to kmain, but let’s try to stay in C land.

gcc has a function attribute called naked, which won’t have the prologue and epilogue sequences as required by the ABI. This means that the compiler won’t try to create a function frame and later destroy it, which solves our first issue. That however comes with its own problems: if the compiler decides to save values in the stack inside kmain, there won’t be any. Even if we set sp correctly at the beginning of the function, we won’t have a valid function frame unless we setup it manually.

We’ll try to stay in C land by doing the absolutely minimum possible inside kmain, and checking the compiled code to see if it looks ok.

#include "armregs.h"

#include <stdint.h>

static void __attribute__((noinline)) start(
  const uint32_t machine_type,
  const uint32_t atags_addr) {

static uint64_t __attribute__((aligned(8))) stack0[2048];

void __attribute__((naked)) kmain(
  const uint32_t zero,
  const uint32_t machine_type,
  const uint32_t atags_addr) {

  set_sp((uint32_t)((uint8_t*)stack0 + sizeof(stack0)));
  start(machine_type, atags_addr);

  while (1) /* nothing */;

So kmain only sets the sp register to the end of stack0, giving us 16 KB for the stack, calls start with the parameters we receive from the stub, and runs an infinite loop to avoid returning to the stub if start returns. The compiler will generate a prologue and an epilogue for start because it’s not marked naked, so we’ll be able to write any C code we want inside it, but we have to mark it noinline to prevent the compiler from inlining it inside kmain, which would defeat the purpose.

stack0 is declared to conform with the ABI, which says that the publicly visible sp must be aligned to an eight-byte boundary.

We declare set_sp function in armregs.h as:

#ifndef ARMREGS_H__
#define ARMREGS_H__

#include <stdint.h>

inline void set_sp(const uint32_t x) {
  __asm volatile("mov sp, %[value]\n" : : [value] "r" (x) : "sp");

#endif /* ARMREGS_H__ */

The Entry Point

However, we still have one issue, which is we don’t know where the linker will end up putting our code, and we absolutely need kmain to start at 0x00008000. There isn’t a compiler attribute that could force kmain into going to a specific address, but there’s one to force kmain into a specific section, and we can make the linker put sections at specific locations by writing a linker script:


  .text 0x00008000 : {
    *(.text .text.*)
  .rodata : {
    . = ALIGN(4);
    *(.rodata .rodata.*)

  .data : {
    . = ALIGN(4);
    *(.data .data.*)

  .bss : {
    . = ALIGN(4);
    *(.bss .bss.*)

  /DISCARD/ : {

First we set the architecture with OUTPUT_ARCH(arm), and then we set the executable entry point with ENTRY(kmain). I’m not sure those are needed, but there we go. After that, we begin laying out our sections in the SECTIONS block in the way we need in order to have kmain in the correct address.

We call our first section in the resulting executable .text, and we force it to start at 0x00008000. We then add to this output section the .kmain from the kmain.o object file, followed by all .text and .text.* sections from any file. This will make things in the .kmain section to be placed at the required address, but only from kmain.o. KEEP is used to prevent the linker from eliminating the section when --gc-sections is passed to it. Since no one refers to things in it, it’s important to make sure it won’t go away.

Please notice the difference between the function kmain and the section .kmain, with a leading dot.

After .text we create an output section .rodata for all read-only data. We align their contents at a four-byte boundary with . = ALIGN(4) (the dot in the linker script is the location counter, which is similar to the $ variable in some assemblers).

We repeat the process to add the read-write, initialized data to the .data output section, the read-write, uninitialized data to the .bss, and then we finish by discarding all other sections, which then won’t appear in the final, linked executable.

I’m not sure what goes in the COMMON section, but the linker documentation for this section that is usual to add its contents to the .bss output section.

With the linker script in place, we can add the section attribute to kmain, taking the opportunity to add the noreturn attribute since kmain never returns:

void __attribute__((section(".kmain"), noreturn, naked)) kmain(
  const uint32_t zero,
  const uint32_t machine_type,
  const uint32_t atags_addr) {

  set_sp((uint32_t)(stack0 + sizeof(stack0)));
  start(machine_type, atags_addr);

  while (1) /* nothing */;

The compiler won’t be able to optimize anything with the noreturn attribute since there are no C functions that call kmain, but still this is the right thing to do.


It’s easy to build our bare bones program:

PREFIX = arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(PREFIX)gcc
LD = $(PREFIX)ld
OBJDUMP = $(PREFIX)objdump
OBJCOPY = $(PREFIX)objcopy
CPPFILT = $(PREFIX)c++filt

CFLAGS   = -fsigned-char -ffreestanding -nostdinc -std=c99 -Os
LDFLAGS  = -T link.T

CFLAGS += -march=armv6k -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -marm -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard
TARGET  = kernel

%.o: %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@

OBJS = kmain.o

all: $(TARGET).img

$(TARGET).img: $(OBJS)
	$(LD) -o $(TARGET).elf -Map $(TARGET).map $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS)
	$(OBJDUMP) -d $(TARGET).elf | $(CPPFILT) > $(TARGET).lst
	$(OBJCOPY) $(TARGET).elf -O binary $(TARGET).img
	wc -c $(TARGET).img

	rm -f $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).map $(TARGET).lst $(TARGET).img $(OBJS)

.PHONY: clean

It’s a pretty standard Makefile. The unusual flags are:

The compiler flags for C dialects are documented here, and the ARM-specific ones here. The preprocessor -nostdinc is documented here.

We use -ffreestanding and -nostdinc to have a completely blank state in terms of standard libraries and headers. The reason is to make sure we only add to our bare bones program what we absolutely need or want.

We need -fsigned-char to force a signed char type because, quite surprisingly to me, arm-none-eabi-gcc defaults to an unsigned char type:

$ arm-none-eabi-gcc -dM -E -x c /dev/null |grep CHAR_UNSIGNED
#define __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ 1

Since we’re leaving out the standard headers, we have to cherry-pick the ones that we want to use. It’s just a matter of copying these files from the gcc-arm-none-eabi package. stdint.h, stdint-gcc.h, and stddef.h will do for now.

It’s also interesting to understand how the final kernel.img image is created:

  1. $(LD) -o $(TARGET).elf -Map $(TARGET).map $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS): Creates the ELF executable, and a map file with the detailed content of the sections in the ELF
  2. $(OBJDUMP) -d $(TARGET).elf | $(CPPFILT) > $(TARGET).lst: Creates a listing of the executable with demangled symbols (if we ever add C++ code to it)
  3. $(OBJCOPY) $(TARGET).elf -O binary $(TARGET).img: Creates a binary file with the code and data, ready to be loaded and run
  4. wc -c $(TARGET).img: Counts the final executable size, so we keep an eye on it

The Listing File

For our current kernel, this is the listing file created by the Makefile:

kernel.elf:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:

00008000 <kmain>:
    8000:	e59f3004 	ldr	r3, [pc, #4]	; 800c <kmain+0xc>
    8004:	e1a0d003 	mov	sp, r3
    8008:	eafffffe 	b	8008 <kmain+0x8>
    800c:	0000c010 	.word	0x0000c010

For now our program looks good: the compiler didn’t generate a function frame, and is setting the stack pointer register at the end of the code plus 16 KB.

With these details behind us, we will be able to write the start function in the next post.

Source Code

The source code listed here can be found here.
