Andre Leiradella

Generalist Programmer | printf("", "andre", "leiradella");


SmartStart32.S explained

by Andre Leiradella


I’m writing bare metal code for the Rapberry Pi boards using the multicore version of SmartStart32.S to setup the environment to start executing C code. My intention down the road is to write my own boot loader, but for that I need to understand how this boot loader works. This post is just to assess my understanding of SmartStart and to share my findings with others.

I’ve changed the order of the code when it makes understanding the flow easier. I’ve also changed to comments to pseudo-C to make the assembly listings easier to understand.

The Raspberry Pi Boot Process

The boot sequence is as follows:

  1. The GPU is on and the ARM is off, SDRAM is also off
  2. The GPU boots to its firmware located in ROM on the SoC
  3. The firmware loads bootcode.bin to L2 cache and runs it
  4. bootcode.bin turns on the SDRAM and loads start.elf into RAM
  5. start.elf parses config.txt to configure some aspects of the SoC
  6. start.elf loads cmdline.txt
  7. start.elf writes some ARM bootstrap code to RAM that will be executed before jumping to the kernel
  8. start.elf loads kernel.img to address 0x8000 and releases the ARM CPU to execute the bootstrap code

SmartStart compiles to kernel.img, and is the first user-written code that the Raspberry Pi runs. That is, without trying to write your own bootcode.bin or start.elf with zero documentation.

Entry Point

The code at 0x8000 is the entry point of the kernel. On multi-core architectures, all cores runs on system startup, but the GPU puts bootstrap code in RAM that is executed before reaching 0x8000. On multi-core CPUs, this code puts all cores other than 0 in a busy loop looking for values in specific memory locations to continue execution. These addresses are called Core 1/2/3 Mailbox 3 Set in the BCM2836 documentation, but have nothing to do with the mailbox used to comunicate with the GPU.

Only core 0 reach the entry point, the other ones are released from the busy loop later by SmartStart. SmartStart begins by saving the pogram counter and Current Program Status Register (CPSR) into r12 and r11, respectively, for later use.

  mov r12, pc         ; r12 = pc + 8
  mrs r11, cpsr       ; r11 = cpsr
  and r11, r11, #0x1F ; r11 = r11 & 0x1F

In mov r12, pc, r12 ends up with the value of pc plus 8.

The CSPR register can be used to get/set the CPU mode and enable/disable the IRQ and FIQ interrupts. Bit 6 disables FIQ when set, and bit 7 disables IRQ when set. Bits 4-0 are the CPU mode (more information about these modes can be found here). All modes are priviledged except User.

I couldn’t find the hypervisor mode value in the documentation.

AFAIK, ARM CPUs are set to supervidor mode when powered on. SmartStart seems to believe that both A7 and A53 boot in hypervisor mode, but I couldn’t find any reference.

Entering Supervisor Mode

SmartStart puts the core into supervisor mode if it’s in hypervisor mode, taking the chance to disable both IRQ and FIQ. It does so by masking out the current CPU mode, and setting the desired one along with the IRQ and FIQ bits which will then disable these interruptions. The resulting value is put into the Saved Program Status Register (SPSR, which holds the value of CPSR prior to an exception), which will overwrite CPSR when the CPU switches to supervisor mode. SPSR_cxsf means the control, extension, status, and flags fields of SPSR will be updated.

msr ELR_hyp, lr sets the link register of the hypervisor mode. In hypervisor mode, eret will load the program counter from ELR_hyp and CPSR from SPSR_hyp. Since ELR_hyp has the address of .NotInHypMode and SPSR_hyp has the supervisor CPU mode, the CPU will continue execution in supervisor mode at .NotInHypMode.

I believe this is only needed because the exception levels of hypervisor and supervisor modes are different. When changing modes that are of the same level, it’s enough to just change CPSR directly.

These two instructions aren’t supported by the GNU assembler in ARMv6 mode, and thus are written directly in hexadecimal.

  mrs r0, cpsr                       ; r0 = cpsr
  and r1, r0, #0x1F                  ; r1 = r0 & 0x1F
  cmp r1, #CPU_HYPMODE               ; compare r1 with 0x1A (hypervisor mode)
  bne .NotInHypMode                  ; if (r1 != 0x1A) goto .NotInHypMode

  bic r0, r0, #0x1F                  ; r0 = r0 & ~0x1F (zero the CPU mode bits)
  orr r0, r0, #CPU_SVCMODE_VALUE     ; r0 = r0 | 0x13 | 1 << 6 | 1 << 7 which
                                     ; is supervisor mode with FIQ and IRQ
                                     ; disabled
  msr spsr_cxsf, r0                  ; spsr = r0
  add lr, pc, #4                     ; lr = pc + 4, which sets lr to
                                     ; .NotInHypMode

  .long 0xE12EF30E ; msr ELR_hyp, lr ; elr_hyp = lr, where elr_hyp is the
                                     ; lr register in hypervisor mode
  .long 0xE160006E ; eret            ; pc = elr_hyp, cspr = spsr_hyp


cmp r1, #CPU_HYPMODE subtracts the contents of the register with the constant value, and updates the flags N, Z, C, and V in the CPSR register according to the result. The register is not updated with the result of the subtraction.

Configuring the Stacks

Now that the the core is in supervisor mode with interruptions disabled, the stacks for the supervisor, FIQ, and IRQ modes are configured. Each core gets a different set of stack pointers for each of these modes. If the CPU is an ARM1176JZF-S, there’s only one core and the code only has to setup one set of stacks.

To check which CPU is running the code, the value of the Main ID Register (MIDR) is read. The value is a bitfield with the following information for the CPUs we care about:

Bits 31:24 23:20 19:16 15:4 3:0    
Meaning Implementer Variant Architecture Part no Revision Description SoC
0x410FB767 0x41 0x0 0xF 0xB76 0x7 ARM1176JZF-S r0p7 BCM2835
0x410FC073 0x41 0x0 0xF 0xC07 0x3 Cortex-A7 MPCore r0p3 BCM2836
0x410FD034 0x41 0x0 0xF 0xD03 0x4 Cortex-A53 r0p4 BCM2837

Implementer 0x41 (ASCII ‘A’) means ARM. Variant and revision are the major and minor chip revisions. I don’t know what Architecture is.

I don’t know if other chip revisions were used on the Raspberry Pi boards, but I think it would be better to compare only the Part no field of the register.

If the CPU is not an ARM1176JZF-S, the Multiprocessor Affinity Register (MPIDR) is used to determine which core is executing the code. Bits 1-0 are used to determine which of the four cores is running so the correct memory addresses are selected to setup the stacks.

Remember that for now only core 0 in multicore architectures is running, so for now only the stack for this core will be setup. The other cores are locked in a busy loop waiting to be released.

  ldr r2, =__SVC_stack_core0 ; r2 = __SVC_stack_core0
  ldr r3, =__FIQ_stack_core0 ; r3 = __FIQ_stack_core0
  ldr r4, =__IRQ_stack_core0 ; r4 = __IRQ_stack_core0
  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0  ; r0 = midr
  ldr r1, =#ARM6_CPU_ID      ; r1 = 0x410FB767
  cmp r1, r0                 ; compare r1 with r0 (midr with ARM1176JZF-S r0p7)
  beq set_svc_stack          ; if (r1 == r0) goto set_svc_stack
                             ; (set the stack if running on a monocore CPU)

  mrc p15, 0, r5, c0, c0, 5  ; r5 = mpidr
  ands r5, r5, #0x3          ; r5 = r5 & 3, and update the flags in cpsr
  beq set_svc_stack          ; if (r5 == 0) goto set_svc_stack
                             ; (set the stack if core 0)

  ldr r2, =__SVC_stack_core1 ; r2 = __SVC_stack_core1
  ldr r3, =__FIQ_stack_core1 ; r3 = __FIQ_stack_core1
  ldr r4, =__IRQ_stack_core1 ; r4 = __IRQ_stack_core1
  cmp r5, #1                 ; compare r5 with 1
  beq set_svc_stack          ; if (r5 == 1) goto set_svc_stack
                             ; (set the stack if core 1)

  ldr r2, =__SVC_stack_core2 ; r2 = __SVC_stack_core2
  ldr r3, =__FIQ_stack_core2 ; r3 = __FIQ_stack_core2
  ldr r4, =__IRQ_stack_core2 ; r4 = __IRQ_stack_core2
  cmp r5, #2                 ; compare r5 with 2
  beq set_svc_stack          ; if (r5 == 2) goto set_svc_stack
                             ; (set the stack if core 2)

  ldr r2, =__SVC_stack_core3 ; r2 = __SVC_stack_core3
  ldr r3, =__FIQ_stack_core3 ; r3 = __FIQ_stack_core3
  ldr r4, =__IRQ_stack_core3 ; r4 = __IRQ_stack_core3

The code assumes there are either 1 or 4 cores in the CPU. If new boards with more cores need to be supported, this code will have to be updated, likely computing the stack addresses from the core numbers instead of using a series of cmp/beq.

Since the core is in supervisor mode, setting the stack for that mode is just a matter of setting sp. For the IRQ and FIQ modes, the core must be changed to those modes before sp can be changed. At the end, the CPU mode is set back to supervisor.

  mov sp, r2                     ; sp = r2

  mrs r0, cpsr                   ; r0 = cpsr
  bic r0, r0, #0x1F              ; r0 = r0 & ~0x1F (zero the CPU mode bits)
  orr r0, r0, #CPU_FIQMODE_VALUE ; r0 = r0 | 0x11
  msr CPSR_c, r0                 ; cpsr = r0 (only the control field is set)
                                 ; (the core is now in FIQ mode)
  mov sp, r3                     ; sp = r3

  bic r0, r0, #0x1F              ; r0 = r0 & ~0x1F
  orr r0, r0, #CPU_IRQMODE_VALUE ; r0 = r0 | 0x12
  msr CPSR_c, r0                 ; cpsr = r0 (only the control field is set)
                                 ; (the core is now in IRQ mode)
  mov sp, r4                     ; sp = r4

  bic r0, r0, #0x1F              ; r0 = r0 & ~0x1F
  orr r0, r0, #CPU_SVCMODE_VALUE ; r0 = r0 | 0x13
  msr CPSR_c, r0                 ; cpsr = r0 (only the control field is set)
                                 ; (the core is now back to supervisor mode)

Enabling the Floating Point Processor

Next, SmartStart enables the VFP (coprocessors 10 for single precison, and 11 for double precision) in both secure and non-secure modes by setting the corresponding bits in the Non-Secure Access Control Register (NSACR), if not already set.

I don’t know what the differences are between secure and non-secure modes.

I wonder if leaving coprocessor 11 off for code that only use single precision can help save energy and lower the SoC temperature. I don’t know if this is allowed.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c1, 2 ; r0 = nsacr
  cmp r0, #0x00000C00       ; compare r0 with 0x00000C00
  beq .free_to_enable_fpu1  ; if (r0 == 0x00000C00) goto .free_to_enable_fpu1

  orr r0, r0, #0x00000C00   ; r0 = r0 | 0x00000C00
  mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c1, 2 ; nsacr = r0


It then enable the coprocessors on both privileged and user modes by setting their bits in the Coprocessor Access Control Register, and then enables the VFP by setting its EN flag in the Floating-Point Exception Register (FPEXC) register.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, #2         ; r0 = Coprocessor Access Control Register
  orr r0, #(0x00300000 + 0x00C00000) ; r0 = r0 | (0x00300000 + 0x00C00000)
  mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, #2         ; Coprocessor Access Control Register = r0
  mov r0, #0x40000000                ; r0 = 0x40000000
  vmsr fpexc, r0                     ; fpexc = r0

Enabling the L1 Cache and the Branch Predictor

After enabling VFP, SmartStart enables the L1 caches (instruction and data), and the branch predictor, by setting the respective bits in the Control Register.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 ; r0 = Control Register
  orr r0, #0x00000800       ; r0 = r0 | 0x00000800 (branch predicition)
  orr r0, #0x00000004       ; r0 = r0 | 0x00000004 (L1 data cache)
  orr r0, #0x00001000       ; r0 = r0 | 0x00001000 (L1 instruction cache)
  mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 ; Control Register = r0

The three orr operations could be written as just one just like the orr used to modify the Coprocessor Access Control Register.

Putting the Cores to Sleep

With the core in supervisor mode, VFP, L1 cache, and the branch predictor enabled, SmartStart puts all the cores except core 0 in wait mode. It begins by checking if the CPU is an ARM1176JZF-S or if the core is 0, in which case this code is ignored by jumping to .cpu0_exit_multicore_park.

Remember that for now only core 0 is running, the other cores have not been released yet.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0     ; r0 = midr
  ldr r1, =#ARM6_CPU_ID         ; r1 = 0x410FB767
  cmp r1, r0                    ; compare r1 with r0
                                ; (midr with ARM1176JZF-S r0p7)
  beq .cpu0_exit_multicore_park ; if (r1 == r0) goto .cpu0_exit_multicore_park
                                ; (don't put the core to sleep if the CPU is
                                ; a ARM1176JZF-S)

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5     ; r0 = mpidr
  ands r0, r0, #0x3             ; r0 = r0 & 3, and update the flags in cpsr
  beq .cpu0_exit_multicore_park ; if (r0 == 0) goto .cpu0_exit_multicore_park
                                ; (don't put the core to sleep if core 0)

For A7 and A53, SmartStart increments the number of available cores so it can be queried later, and jump to the spin loop at SecondarySpin that keeps the core in wait mode until programattically told to run. This means cores 1 to 3 will be waiting again for a signal to run, just like they were before being released to be setup.

This code will be executed only by cores 1 to 3 when they are released.

  ldr r1, =RPi_CoresReady ; r1 = &RPi_CoresReady
  ldr r0, [r1]            ; r0 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  add r0, r0, #1          ; r0 = r0 + 1
  str r0, [r1]            ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0
  b SecondarySpin         ; goto SecondarySpin

SecondarySpin is just a busy loop that makes the cores wait for an address in the mailboxes to execute, but uses a wfe instruction which puts the core to sleep until a sev instruction is executed so the loop is not strictly busy. Note that sev wakes up all cores sleeping on wfe so the run address is checked for zero to make sure only the intended core actually runs, and the other ones go back to wfe.

When an address is written to the mailbox and the core is woken up from wfe, SmartStart will set r0 to zero, r1 to the machine ID (read from address 3138 or 0xC42), and r2 to the ATAG address (read from address 0x100). They are received in C land as the first three parameters to the function as per the ARM ABI.

I don’t know what this machine ID is. I didn’t look into the ATAG contents yet, but here’s some explanation about them.

If the function returns, the core is put to sleep again.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5        ; r0 = mpidr
  ands r0, r0, #0x3                ; r0 = r0 & 3, and update the flags in cpsr
  ldr r5, =mbox                    ; r5 = &mbox, which holds the memory address
                                   ; that contains 0x4000008C
  ldr r5, [r5]                     ; r5 = *(uint32_t*)r5, or r5 = 0x4000008C
  mov r3, #0                       ; r3 = 0
  add r5, #(0x400000CC-0x4000008C) ; r5 = r5 + 0x40

  wfe                              ; sleep waiting for an event
  ldr r4, [r5, r0, lsl #4]         ; r4 = *(uint32_t*)(r5 + r0 * 16)
                                   ; (r5 + r0 * 16 is the address of the
                                   ; mailbox for the current core)
  cmp r4, r3                       ; compare r4 with r3
                                   ; (the value read from the mailbox with 0)
  beq SecondarySpinLoop            ; if (r4 == 0) goto SecondarySpinLoop

  str r4, [r5, r0, lsl #4]         ; *(uint32_t*)(r5 + r0 * 16) = r4
  mov r0, #0                       ; r0 = 0
  ldr r1, =machid                  ; r1 = 3138
  ldr r1, [r1]                     ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  ldr r2, = atags                  ; r2 = 0x100
  ldr r2, [r2]                     ; r2 = *(uint32_t*)r2
  ldr lr, =SecondarySpin           ; lr = SecondarySpin
  bx r4                            ; goto *r4
  b SecondarySpin                  ; goto SecondarySpin

Preparing the Environment

The only core in the ARM1176JZF-S case, or core 0 in the other two CPUs, continue execution by saving the values of the pogram counter and CPSR (saved at the very beginning) into RPi_BootAddr and RPi_CPUBootMode so they can be easily queried in C land.

  ldr r1, =RPi_BootAddr    ; r1 = RPi_BootAddr
  sub r12, #8              ; r12 = r12 - 8
  str r12, [r1]            ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r12
  ldr r1, =RPi_CPUBootMode ; r1 = RPi_CPUBootMode
  str r11, [r1]            ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r11

SmartStart then sets the number of cores ready to 1.

  mov r0, #1              ; r0 = 1
  ldr r1, =RPi_CoresReady ; r1 = RPi_CoresReady
  str r0, [r1]            ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0

SmartStart now sets the value of:

  mrs r2, CPSR                ; r2 = cpsr
  and r2, r2, #0x1F           ; r2 = r2 & 0x1F
  ldr r1, =RPi_CPUCurrentMode ; r1 = RPi_CPUCurrentMode
  str r2, [r1]                ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r2

  ldr r1, =RPi_CpuId          ; r1 = RPi_CpuId
  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0   ; r0 = midr
  str r0, [r1]                ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0

  eor r0, r0, r0              ; r0 = r0 ^ r0
.if (__ARM_ARCH == 6)
  mov r0, #0x06               ; r0 = 0x06, only if __ARM_ARCH == 6
.if (__ARM_ARCH == 7)
  mov r0, #0x07               ; r0 = 0x07, only if __ARM_ARCH == 7
.if (__ARM_ARCH == 8)
  mov r0, #0x08               ; r0 = 0x08, only if __ARM_ARCH == 8
  orr r0, r0, #(4 << 5)       ; r0 = r0 | 4 << 5
  ldr r1, =RPi_CompileMode    ; r1 = RPi_CompileMode
  str r0, [r1]                ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0

Detecting the Base I/O Address

SmartStart then tries to detect the base I/O address. It does so by probing an AFAIK undocumented AUX register (see BCM2835 ARM Peripherals page 8 for the AUX registers documentation), which reads 0x61757830 ("aux0" when interpreted as ASCII characters.) The detected address is saved in RPi_IO_Base_Addr for use in C land. It also sets RPi_BusAlias which is used in the functions that translate memory addresses from ARM to VC and vice-versa.

If the detection fails, the core is halted in a busy loop in .pi_detect_fail.

  ldr r2, =#0x61757830      ; r2 = 0x61757830, "arm0"
  ldr r1, =#0x20215010      ; r1 = 0x20215010, the address of an undocumented
                            ; AUX register
  ldr r0, [r1]              ; r0 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  cmp r2, r0                ; compare r2 with r0
  bne .not_at_address_1     ; if (r2 != r0) goto .not_at_address_1
                            ; (check the other address if this one failed)

  ldr r1, =RPi_BusAlias     ; r1 = RPi_BusAlias
  mov  r0, #0x40000000      ; r0 = 0x40000000
  str  r0, [r1]             ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0
  ldr r1, =RPi_IO_Base_Addr ; r1 = RPi_IO_Base_Addr
  mov  r0, #0x20000000      ; r0 = 0x20000000
  str  r0, [r1]             ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0
  b .autodetect_done        ; goto .autodetect_done

  ldr r1, =#0x3f215010      ; r1 = 0x3f215010, the other possible address of
                            ; the undocumented AUX register
  ldr r0, [r1]              ; r0 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  cmp r2, r0                ; compare r2 with r0
  beq .At2ndAddress         ; if (r2 == r0) goto .At2ndAddress

  b .pi_detect_fail         ; goto .pi_detect_fail
                            ; (detection failed, halt in an infinite loop)

  ldr r1, =RPi_BusAlias     ; r1 = RPi_BusAlias
  mov  r0, #0xC0000000      ; r0 = 0xC0000000
  str  r0, [r1]             ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0
  ldr r1, =RPi_IO_Base_Addr ; r1 = RPi_IO_Base_Addr
  mov  r0, #0x3f000000      ; r0 = 0x3f000000
  str  r0, [r1]             ; *(uint32_t*)r1 = r0

It could set the base I/O address based on the value of MIDR since it’s fixed for each Raspberry Pi model.

Setting up the Exception Vectors

To make use of IRQ and FIQ, the exception vectors must be set. They also handle exceptions like undefined instructions found in the instruction stream. Each entry in the vector is a 32-bit value that is an ARM32 instruction, which will be executed when entering the corresponding exception mode. It’s usual to use branch instructions in the vector.

The vector is set by copying the entries from _isr_Table to their destination address 0, which is the default address the CPU will use for the vectors.

  ldr r0, =_isr_Table                         ; r0 = _isr_Table
  mov r1, #0x0000                             ; r1 = 0
  ldmia r0!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9} ; r2 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r3 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r4 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r5 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r6 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r7 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r8 = *(uint32_t*)r0++
                                              ; r9 = *(uint32_t*)r0++

  stmia r1!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9} ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r2
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r3
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r4
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r5
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r6
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r7
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r8
                                              ; *(uint32_t*)r1++ = r9

  ldmia r0!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9} ; also copy the constants needed
  stmia r1!, {r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9} ; by the ldr instructions

The exception vector is defined as:

  ldr pc, _reset_h                        ; pc = *(uint32_t*)_reset_h
  ldr pc, _undefined_instruction_vector_h ; (and so forth...)
  ldr pc, _software_interrupt_vector_h
  ldr pc, _prefetch_abort_vector_h
  ldr pc, _data_abort_vector_h
  ldr pc, _unused_handler_h
  ldr pc, _interrupt_vector_h
  ldr pc, _fast_interrupt_vector_h

_reset_h:                        .word _start
_undefined_instruction_vector_h: .word hang
_software_interrupt_vector_h:    .word hang
_prefetch_abort_vector_h:        .word hang
_data_abort_vector_h:            .word hang
_unused_handler_h:               .word hang
_interrupt_vector_h:             .word irq_handler_stub
_fast_interrupt_vector_h:        .word fiq_handler_stub

This vector will make the CPU restart the boot loader in case of a reset exception, will jump to irq_handler_stub in case of an IRQ, and to fiq_handler_stub in case of a FIQ. All other exceptions will make the core hang in an infinite loop at hang, but could make the CPU also show a BSoD or something.

Zeroing the .bss

Before releasing the other cores, SmartStart zeroes the bss using the symbols __bss_start__ and __bss_end__. These symbols are created by the linker via a special linker script used to link the kernel.

Zeroing the bss is required when running C code, since all unitialized variables with static storage are implicitly initialized to all bytes 0, and these variables end up in the bss section. C code can depend on this and may fail to run properly if this section is not zeroed.

.bss : {
  . = ALIGN(4);
  __bss_start__ = .;
  *(.bss .bss.*)
  __bss_end__ = .;

Script breakdown:

  1. . = ALIGN(4): aligns the current address to a multiple of 4
  2. __bss_start__ = .: sets the symbol __bss_start__ to the value of the current address
  3. *(.bss .bss.*): copies the contents of the .bss section and all sections starting with .bss. to the output
  4. *(COMMON): copies the COMMON section to the output
  5. __bss_end__ = .: sets the symbol __bss_end__ to the value of the current address

An explanation of the COMMON section is available here.

The code that zeroes .bss is straighforward:

  ldr   r0, =__bss_start__ ; r0 = __bss_start__
  ldr   r1, =__bss_end__   ; r1 = __bss_end__
  mov   r2, #0             ; r2 = 0

  cmp   r0, r1             ; compare r0 with t1
  bge   .clear_bss_exit    ; if (r1 >= r1) goto .clear_bss_exit
                           ; (compare at the beginning to handle an empty .bss)
  str   r2, [r0]           ; *(uint32_t*)r0 = r2
  add   r0, r0, #4         ; r0 = r0 + 4
  b .clear_bss             ; goto .clear_bss


Releasing the Cores

Now SmartStart releases the other cores and make each one of them start executing code at multicore_start, where they are put into supervisor mode and run the rest of the setup just like core 0, until put to sleep with wfe at SecondarySpin.

The cores are released one by one. Each core that is released ends up incrementing RPi_CoresReady, which is watched by core 0 in a busy loop to wait one core to be setup before releasing the next.

If the CPU is an ARM1176JZF-S, the code jumps to .NoMultiCoreSetup and skips the setup of the other cores. The cores setup is also skipped if RPi_BootAddr is not 0x8000.

I don’t know why RPi_BootAddr is checked here.

  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0 ; r0 = midr
  ldr r1, =#ARM6_CPU_ID     ; r1 = 0x410FB767
  cmp r1, r0                ; compare r1 with r0
  beq .NoMultiCoreSetup     ; if (r1 == r0) goto .NoMultiCoreSetup

  ldr r1, =RPi_BootAddr     ; r1 = RPi_BootAddr
  ldr r0, [r1]              ; r0 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  ldr r1, =#0x8000          ; r1 = 0x8000
  cmp r1, r0                ; compare r1 with r0
  bne .NoMultiCoreSetup     ; if (r1 != r0) goto .NoMultiCoreSetup

  mov r1, #0x40000000       ; r1 = 0x40000000
  ldr r2, =multicore_start  ; r2 = multicore_start
  str r2, [r1, #0x9C]       ; *(uint32_t*)(r1 + 0x9C) = r2
                            ; (releases core 1)
  ldr r3, =RPi_CoresReady   ; r3 = RPi_CoresReady

  ldr r1, [r3]              ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r3
  cmp r1, #2                ; compare r1 with 2
  bne .WaitCore1ACK         ; if (r1 == 2) goto .WaitCore1ACK
                            ; (busy loop waiting core 1 to get ready)

  mov r1, #0x40000000       ; r1 = 0x40000000
  ldr r2, =multicore_start  ; r2 = multicore_start
  str r2, [r1, #0xAC]       ; *(uint32_t*)(r1 + 0xAC) = r2
                            ; (releases core 2)

  ldr r1, [r3]              ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r3
  cmp r1, #3                ; compare r1 with 3
  bne .WaitCore2ACK         ; if (r1 == 3) goto .WaitCore2ACK
                            ; (busy loop waiting core 2 to get ready)

  mov r1, #0x40000000       ; r1 = 0x40000000
  str r2, [r1, #0xBC]       ; *(uint32_t)(r1 + 0xBC) = r2
                            ; (releases core 3)

  ldr r1, [r3]              ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r3
  cmp r1, #4                ; compare r1 with 4
  bne .WaitCore3ACK         ; if (r1 == 4) goto .WaitCore3ACK
                            ; (busy loop waiting core 3 to get ready)


Jumping to C

After releasing the cores, SmartStart runs the kernel_main function that can be written in C. This function should not exit, but if it does the core will hang in an infinite loop.

  bl kernel_main ; lr = return address, pc = kernel_main

  b hang         ; goto hang

Using Cores 1 to 3

When execution goes to C land, cores 1 to 3 are waiting on wfe. The function CoreExecute can be called from C to make one of them run an arbitrary function. Its signature is:

typedef void (*CORECALLFUNC)(void);

bool CoreExecute(uint8_t coreNum, CORECALLFUNC func);
.globl CoreExecute    
.type CoreExecute, %function

  ldr r3, =RPi_CoresReady  ; r3 = RPi_CoresReady
  ldr r2, [r3]             ; r2 = *(uint32_t*)r3
  cmp r0, r2               ; compare r0 with r2 (r0 is the first argument to
                           ; CoreExecute)
  bcs CoreExecuteFail      ; if (r0 >= r3) goto CoreExecuteFail
  ldr r3, =#0x4000008C     ; r3 = 0x4000008C
  str r1, [r3, r0, lsl #4] ; *(uint32_t*)(r3 + r4 * 16) = r1 (r1 is the second
                           ; argument to CoreExecute)
  sev                      ; wake up cores (only the core for which the
                           ; function address was set will efectively run)
  mov r0, #1               ; r0 = 1 (return 1 to the caller)
  bx lr                    ; return to caller

  mov r0, #0               ; r0 = 0 (return 0 to the caller)
  bx lr                    ; return to caller

When the core returns from the given CORECALLFUNC function, it will wait again in the SecondarySpin loop for another function to run.

When a core is released from the SecondarySpin loop to run, register r0, r1, and r2 receive values that can be used in the C function as the first three 32-bit integer parameters. However, CORECALLFUNC is defined not to receive any parameters, and those values will be unavailable.

Handling Interruptions

The IRQ and FIQ handlers in assembly just prepare the environment to make a call to the C function set in the RPi_IrqFuncAddr variable. These handlers are called in their respective exception modes.

.weak irq_handler_stub
  sub lr, lr, #4           ; lr = lr - 4 (adjust the return address, since it's
                           ; off by 4 when the handler is called)
  srsfd sp!, #0x13         ; save lr_irq and spsp_irq onto the supervisor stack

  cps #0x13                ; enter supervisor mode
  push {r0-r3, r9, r12}    ; push the temporary register onto the stack

  mov r1, sp               ; r1 = sp
  and r1, r1, #4           ; r1 = r1 & 4
  sub sp, sp, r1           ; sp = sp - r1 (align the stack to 8 bytes, as per
                           ; the ARM ABI)
  push {r1, lr}            ; push the alignment and the link register (the
                           ; will remain properly aligned)

  ldr r0, =RPi_IrqFuncAddr ; r0 = RPi_IrqFuncAddr
  ldr r0, [r0]             ; r0 = *(uint32_t*)r0 (get the C handler address)
  cmp r0, #0               ; compare r0 with 0
  beq no_irqset            ; if (r0 == 0) goto no_irqset
  blx r0                   ; lr = return address, pc = r0

  pop {r1, lr}             ; pop the alignment and the link register
  add sp, sp, r1           ; undo the stack alignment
  pop {r0-r3, r9, r12}     ; restore the saved temporary registers
  rfefd sp!                ; restore lr_irq and spsp_irq from the stack, and
                           ; jump to lr

fiq_handler_stub is identical to irq_handler_stub, except that it takes the C function hander address from RPi_FiqFuncAddr instead of RPi_IrqFuncAddr. SmartStart has some C code where these two variables are setup. The interrupts are also enabled in C land via a call to EnableInterrupts.

The FIQ handler could take advantage of the banked FIQ registers, r8 to r14, to avoid pushing values onto the stack.

I don’t know why the interrupt handlers use cps to change the core mode, while msr was previously used.

Helper Functions

  cpsie i                       ; enable IRQ
  bx lr                         ; return to caller

  cpsid i                       ; disable IRQ
  bx lr                         ; return to caller

  ldr r1, =RPi_ARM_TO_GPU_Alias ; r1 = RPi_ARM_TO_GPU_Alias
  ldr r1, [r1]                  ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  orr r0, r0, r1                ; r0 = r0 | r1 (create GPU address)
  bx  lr                        ; return to caller

  ldr r1, =RPi_ARM_TO_GPU_Alias ; r1 = RPi_ARM_TO_GPU_Alias
  ldr r1, [r1]                  ; r1 = *(uint32_t*)r1
  bic r0, r0, r1                ; r0 = r0 & ~r1
  bx lr                         ; return to caller

  mov r0, #0                    ; r0 = 0
  mrc p15, 0, r1, c0, c0, 0     ; r1 = midr
  ldr r2, =#ARM6_CPU_ID         ; r2 = 0x410FB767
  cmp r2, r1                    ; compare r2 with r1
  beq isARM6                    ; if (r2 == r1) goto isARM6
  mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5     ; r0 = mpidr

  and r0, r0, #3                ; r0 = r0 & 3
  bx lr                         ; return to caller


Thanks for reading, this concludes the process SmartStart follows to start C code in supervisor mode in a multicore architecture. Despite some obvious opportunities for improvement, SmartStart was a great learning tool for me, and I hope this post helped you understand it as well.
