Andre Leiradella

Generalist Programmer | printf("", "andre", "leiradella");


The Raspberry Pi Stubs

by Andre Leiradella


In the previous post we dissected SmartStart32.S, an assembly boot loader that sets up the environment to run C code in bare metal.

This time we’re going to dissect the boot strap code that the GPU puts on memory to start running the boot loader. This code is called stub in the Raspberry repository, and I’m going to call it that to avoid confusion.

There are three stubs in the repository:

Each stub works with a corresponding kernel image:

The ARM Linux Boot Protocol

In the previous post, we heard of a machine ID. I didn’t know what that was at the time, but further research to write this post taught me about the ARM Linux Boot Protocol, which ARM machines must follow in order to boot a Linux kernel.

Since the official operating system for the Raspberry Pi boards is Raspbian, the stubs studied here will put the CPU in the state required by the Linux Boot protocol, and pass to the kernel the information stated in the protocol.

The ARM boot protocol

The ARM boot protocol, used when booting a CPU in AArch32 state, requires the stub to pass the values below to the kernel via registers in the primary core:

The AArch64 boot protocol

The AArch64 boot protocol requires the values below to be passed to the kernel, also via registers in the primary core:

x0 must also be set to zero in the secondary cores.

The required CPU state for both protocols is detailed in their documentation.


The armstub.S stub is very simple.

I’ve removed the license text from the listings here.

.section .init
.globl _start
/* the vector table */
	mov	r0, #0
	ldr	r1, machid
	ldr	r2, atags
	ldr	pc, kernel

machid:	.word 3138

.org 0xf0
.word 0x5afe570b	@ magic value to indicate firmware should overwrite atags and kernel
.word 0			@ version
atags:	.word 0x0	@ device tree address
kernel:	.word 0x0	@ kernel start address

The code starts at address 0 (notice the lack of an .org directive at the beginning).

Reading the assembly we can see that it sets r0 to 0, r1 to 3138, r2 to 0, and pc to 0. The registers are set according to the protocol described earlier. 3138 is the code for Broadcom BCM2708 Video Coprocessor in the listing of ARM Linux Machines.

It’s interesting to notice that r2 and pc aren’t really set to 0. The 0x5afe570b word (which amusingly reads safe stob) gives us a hint, that the firmware will overwrite these values in the stub with the actual, correct values. This is made so because the values depend on configurations in the config.txt configuration file, which is parsed before the stub is run.

0x5afe570b is in fact a valid ARM instruction, bpl -435148. It’s extremely unlikely however that such a small stub would need a relative branch to a location this far.


The 32-bit stub for the Cortex CPUs a bit more complex. Part of the code is compiled differently depending on the BCM2710 macro, which is defined for the Cortex-A53 CPU running on 32-bit mode.

Architecture Extensions

.arch_extension sec
.arch_extension virt

The .arch_extension ARM directives are used to add or remove architecture extensions. I couldn’t find any reference, but I believe sec means TrustZone security technology, and virt means Hardware virtualization support, both available in the two CPUs that this code compiles for.

Reset Vector

.section .init
.globl _start
/* the vector table for secure state and HYP mode */
	b jmp_loader 	/* reset */

The first thing the code does is jump to jmp_loader. This is because we’re in the exception vectors default area, and we need the space support from the Software Interrupt exception, the third one in the vector, to switch to non-secure mode.

Timer Clock Frequency

osc:	.word 19200000

This word is used to set the Counter-timer Frequency Register (CNTFRQ), which must be programmed to the clock frequency of the system counter. This register’s purpose is just to be read by anyone wanting to know the frequency of the ARM generic timer clock, and does not change anything in hardware. More information can be found in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition, chapter B8 - The Generic Timer.

I couldn’t find an authoritative source, but anecdotal evidence shows that the ARM generic timer is driven by a 19.2 MHz clock, which explains the value of osc in the stub.

Secure Configuration

	movw	r1, #0x131			@ set NS, AW, FW, HVC
	mcr	p15, 0, r1, c1, c1, 0		@ write SCR (with NS bit set)

After b jmp_loader and osc: .word 19200000, we are at address 8, where the Software Interrupt (SWI) handler must be coded. Normally this would be a branch, but since the other positions in the vector aren’t used by the stub, the handler is coded directly here.

The handler starts setting the Secure Configuration Register (SCR) to 0x131 (0b100110001), changing the CPU as follows:

Bit Name Value Effect
0 NS 1 Puts the CPU in a non-secure state
1 IRQ 0 Runs the IRQ handler in the IRQ exception level
2 FIQ 0 Runs the FIQ handler in the FIQ exception level
3 EA 0 Runs the ABT handler in the ABT exception level
4 FW 1 Makes the F bit in Current Program Status Register (CPSR) writable in non-secure states
5 AW 1 Makes the A bit in CPSR writable in non-secure states
6 nET 0 Not implemented
7 SCD 0 Enables the smc (Secure Monitor Call) instruction in non-secure states
8 HCE 1 Enables the hvc (Hypervisor Call) instruction in non-secure PL1 mode
9 SIF 0 Enables secure state instruction fetches in non-secure memory

The F and A bits in CPSR are used to enable and disable FIQ and ABT exceptions.

SPSR Configuration

	movw	r0, #0x1da			@ Set HYP_MODE | F_BIT | I_BIT | A_BIT
	msr     spsr_cxfs, r0                   @ Set full SPSR

Continuing with the SWI handler, all fields in the Saved Program Status Register (SPSR, which holds the value of CPSR prior to an exception) are updated to 0x1da (0b111011010). SPSR will then be configured as follows:

Bit Name Value Effect
4-0 M 0b11010 Sets the mode to HYP
5 T 0 Disables Thumb mode
6 F 1 Disables FIQ interrupts
7 I 1 Disables IRQ interrupts
8 A 1 Disables ABT interrupts
9 E 0 Little-endian mode
24 J 0 Puts the CPU in Thumb or ARM mode (ARM in our case, since T is set to 0)

The other bits, GE, Q, V, C, Z, and N, are condition flags set by some operations, and are all set to 0 here.

Switch to Non-Secure SVC

	movs	pc, lr				@ return to non-secure SVC

movs pc, lr is a an exception return instruction, which will set the Program Counter to the value of the Link Register, and will copy SPSR to CPSR, causing the changes made to SPSR current.

value:	.word 0x63fff
machid:	.word 3138
mbox: 	.word 0x4000008C

These words are constants used elsewhere in the stub.

Cache Enable

@ Check which proc we are and run proc 0 only

	mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 @ Read System Control Register
	orr r0, r0, #(1<<2)       @ cache enable
	orr r0, r0, #(1<<12)      @ icache enable
	mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 @ Write System Control Register

The stub starts by enabling L1 instruction and data caches by setting the corresponding bits in the System Control Register (SCTLR), I and C respectively.

Interestingly, the ARM Linux Boot protocol states that, while the instruction cache may be on or off, the data cache must be off when execution reaches the kernel.

Data Coherency Enable

.if !BCM2710
	mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 @ Read Auxiliary Control Register
	orr r0, r0, #(1<<6)       @ SMP
	mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 @ Write Auxiliary Control Register
	mrrc p15, 1, r0, r1, c15  @ CPU Extended Control Register
	orr r0, r0, #(1<<6)       @ SMP
	mcrr p15, 1, r0, r1, c15  @ CPU Extended Control Register

The stub then changes the Auxiliary Control Register (ACTLR), if compiled for the Cortex-A7. It sets the SMP bit of the register, which enables cache coherency.

When compiled for the Cortex-A53, the CPU Extended Control Register (CPUECTLR) is changed to set the SMPEN bit to 1, which does the same thing for this CPU.

In both cases the documentation says cache coherency must be enabled before the caches are enabled, which is not what the stub does.

Virtual Timer

	mov r0, #1
	mcr p15, 0, r0, c14, c3, 1 @ CNTV_CTL (enable=1, imask=0)

The stub enables the virtual timer by setting the ENABLE bit of the Counter PL1 Virtual Timer Control Register (CNTV_CTL [1]) to 1, and unmasks timer interrupts by setting the IMASK bit to 0. Notice that IRQ and FIQ are still disabled, so timer interrupts won’t actually make the processor jump to the exception vectors yet.

[1] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition, section B4.1.31 - CNTV_CTL, Virtual Timer Control register, VMSA.

Enable Coprocessors in Non-Secure

@ set to non-sec
	ldr	r1, value			@ value = 0x63fff
	mcr	p15, 0, r1, c1, c1, 2		@ NSACR = all copros to non-sec

Permission to the VFP (coprocessors 10 for single precison, and 11 for double precision), as well as some other features, in non-secure mode is granted by writing 0x63fff in the Non-Secure Access Control Register (NSACR).

Set the Timer Frequency

@ timer frequency
	ldr	r1, osc				@ osc = 19200000
	mcr	p15, 0, r1, c14, c0, 0		@ write CNTFRQ

The value of the ARM generic timer clock, 19.2 MHz, is written to CNTFRQ.

Set the Vector Base

	adr	r1, _start
	mcr	p15, 0, r1, c12, c0, 1		@ set MVBAR to secure vectors

The stub sets the value of Monitor Vector Base Address Register (MVBAR [2]) Any exception taken in monitor mode will use the exception vectors defined at the start of the stub.

[2] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition, section B4.1.107 - MVBAR, Monitor Vector Base Address Register, Security Extensions.

	mrc	p15, 0, ip, c12, c0, 0		@ save secure copy of VBAR

The current value of the Vector Base Address Register (VBAR [3]) is saved to the ip register (which is the r12 register) to be used later.

[3] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition, section B4.1.156 - VBAR, Vector Base Address Register, Security Extensions.

Enter Non-Secure Mode

	smc	#0				@ call into MONITOR mode

The stub then executes a isb (Instruction Synchronization Barrier), which flushes the instruction pipeline, making sure that subsequent instructions are read from the cache or RAM. It’s necessary because the next instruction, smc will jump to the SWI handler, which location depends on the value of MVBAR (since we’re in secure mode). Since the instruction that sets MVBAR was just issued, isb makes sure it is completed before smc is executed.

smc #0 runs the SWI handler, which will prepare the environment and switch the processor to non-secure mode.

Non-Secure Vector Base

	mcr	p15, 0, ip, c12, c0, 0		@ write non-secure copy of VBAR

After switching to non-secure mode, the stub writes the saved value from VBAR in secure mode to VBAR in no secure mode. This register has a different value depending if the core is in secure or non-secure mode.

Jump to Kernel

	ldr	r4, kernel			@ kernel address to execute from

The stub is almost jumping into the kernel, so the kernel address is put into the r4 register.

	mrc     p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5
	ubfx    r0, r0, #0, #2
	cmp     r0, #0                          @ primary core
	beq     9f

The Multiprocessor Affinity Register (MPIDR) is read into the r0 register. MPIDR has the CPU ID field, which uniquely identifies the core that is currently running the code. For both Cortex CPUs here, this is a value between 0 and 3. ubfx (Unsigned Bit Field Extract) isolates the CPU ID field, and then the stub jumps to 9 (the f means it’s a forward jump) if this is the 0th core, which will then make it jump to the address in r4 as we will see later. Other cores will continue running the code below.

At first I thought the branch instruction could encode a static prediction of it being taken or not, by using f for forward jump, and b for backwards jump. Some CPUs statically predict forward branches as not taken, and backward branches as taken. The manual for the branch instruction however doesn’t mention static branch prediction.

Disable Secondary Cores

	mov	r5, #1
	lsl	r5, r0
@ modify the 0xff for force_core mode
	tst	r5, #0xff                       @ enabled cores
	beq	10f

Next the stub calculates 1 << cpu_id and tests it against the 0xff mask. If the corresponding bit in the mask is 0, the code jumps to 10, where it will park the core indefinitely, preventing it from being used afterwards. With the default 0xff mask, all cores will continue running the code below.

Park Secondary Cores

	ldr	r5, mbox		@ mbox
	mov	r3, #0			@ magic

	add	r5, #(0x400000CC-0x4000008C)	@ mbox

The stub loads mbox (0x4000008C) into r5 and adds 0x40 to it, which results in 0x400000CC. This serves as the base address for the Core Mailbox registers (see BCM2836 ARM-local peripherals, section 4.8 - Core Mailboxes) that will be used below to compute the address of the specific register to wakeup the core. r3 is set to 0 to be used inside the park loop.

These mailboxes aren’t related to the BCM2835 ARM mailboxes 0 and 1, of which 0 is used to talk to the VideoCore processor.

In the previous post, I’ve referred to these mailboxes as memory, but they’re in fact a set of memory mapped registers with different addresses to set and to read/clear them. The fact that their addresses are after 0x40000000, bigger than the last physical RAM address, already shows that they couldn’t be just RAM locations.

Mailbox Watch Loop

	ldr	r4, [r5, r0, lsl #4]
	cmp	r4, r3
	beq	1b

This is the park loop, where cores 1 to 3 wait for an address to run. wfe (Wait For Event) will suspend the core until an event external to the core happens. One of these events is the execution of the sev (Set Event) instruction by another core, which the kernel can use to release these cores.

The ldr instruction computes r4 = *(uint32_t*)(r5 + r0 * 16), which will put in r4 the contents of one of the registers Core 1 Mailbox 3 Rd/Clr, Core 2 Mailbox 3 Rd/Clr, or Core 3 Mailbox 3 Rd/Clr. These registers hold the value written to the corresponding Core X Mailbox 3 Set register.

The value read from the Core X Mailbox 3 Rd/Clr register is tested, and the core jumps back to 1 and to the wfe instruction if it’s 0. This test must be made because the sev instruction will release all cores suspended in wfe when executed, so the test makes sure only the cores with an actual address to run will exit the loop and the others will be suspended again.

Release Secondary Core

@ clear mailbox
	str	r4, [r5, r0, lsl #4]
	mov	r0, #0
	ldr	r1, machid		@ BCM2708 machine id
	ldr	r2, atags		@ ATAGS
	bx	r4

The cores that read a value different from zero in their Core X Mailbox 3 Rd/Clr register will then clear that register by writing back the address with the str (Store with register offset) instruction. It will then initialize the r0, r1, and r2 registers as per the ARM Linux Boot Protocol, and jump to r4.

Core 0 has jumped to 9 long ago with the kernel address in r4, making it run the kernel with the expected values in the registers as per the boot protocol.

A write to a Core X Mailbox Y Rd/Clr register will set its bits to 0, but only where the value written has its bits set to 1. Since the code writes to this registers the value that was just read from the corresponding read register, the result is that the mailbox is set to 0. Details about how these registers work can be found in the BCM2836 ARM-local peripherals, section 4.1 - Write-set / Write-clear registers.

The instruction used to jump to the address in the mailbox register is bx (Branch and Exchange), which will not set lr, the Link Register, with the return address. This means execution is not supposed to return here, and that each core will be parked in the stub only once and then are supposed to run user code forever unless parked again also in user code. SmartStart.S does exactly that in its SecondarySpin loop.

Core Disabled Loop

	b	10b

This is where disabled cores are directed to. The wfi (Wait for Interrupt) instruction works very similar to wfe, but does not wake up when sev is executed. Along with the branch back to 10, this will effectively make disabled cores stay suspended forever in the stub.

I couldn’t find anything about the purpose of disabling cores in the stub. I believe it’s unlike that this value is tweaked by the GPU (it would be after the 0x5afe570b magic value to be easily located if it was the case), so it’s likely that none of them will ever make it here.


.org 0xf0
.word 0x5afe570b	@ magic value to indicate firmware should overwrite atags and kernel
.word 0			@ version
atags:	.word 0x0	@ device tree address
kernel:	.word 0x0	@ kernel start address

The last piece of the stub are just the variables used elsewhere in the code that can be tweaked by the GPU, just like in the armstub.S stub.



#define BIT(x) (1 << (x))

#define LOCAL_CONTROL		0x40000000
#define LOCAL_PRESCALER		0x40000008

#define OSC_FREQ		19200000

#define SCR_RW			BIT(10)
#define SCR_HCE			BIT(8)
#define SCR_SMD			BIT(7)
#define SCR_RES1_5		BIT(5)
#define SCR_RES1_4		BIT(4)
#define SCR_NS			BIT(0)
#define SCR_VAL \

#define CPUECTLR_EL1		S3_1_C15_C2_1

#define SPSR_EL3_D		BIT(9)
#define SPSR_EL3_A		BIT(8)
#define SPSR_EL3_I		BIT(7)
#define SPSR_EL3_F		BIT(6)
#define SPSR_EL3_MODE_EL2H	9
#define SPSR_EL3_VAL \

The 64-bit stub for the Cortex-A53 begins with some macro definitions, which purpose we’ll see as they are used in the code.

Timer Configuration

.globl _start
	 * Bit 9 clear: Increment by 1 (vs. 2).
	 * Bit 8 clear: Timer source is 19.2MHz crystal (vs. APB).
	str wzr, [x0]
	/* LOCAL_PRESCALER; divide-by (0x80000000 / register_val) == 1 */
	mov w1, 0x80000000

The first thing this stub does is configure how the timer ticks. The wzr register is the lower 32 bits of xzr, a 64-bit special register that ignores writes and always reads as 0. The str instruction will then write a 0 to LOCAL_CONTROL (Control register [1]) which sets the timer’s clock pre-scaler source to the crystal clock instead of the Advanced Peripheral Bus clock, and the timer increment to 1.

The stub then sets the pre-scaler to 1 by writing 0x80000000 to LOCAL_PRESCALER (Core timer pre-scaler [2]).

[1] BCM2836 ARM-local peripherals, section 4.2 - Control register.

[2] BCM2836 ARM-local peripherals, section 4.3 - Core timer register

Set Frequency and Virtual Timer Offset

	/* Set up CNTFRQ_EL0 */
	ldr x0, =OSC_FREQ
	msr CNTFRQ_EL0, x0

	/* Set up CNTVOFF_EL2 */
	msr CNTVOFF_EL2, xzr

Afterwards, the stub writes the timer clock frequency, 19.2 MHz, to the Counter-timer Frequency register (CNTFRQ_EL0 [3]). This register is the same register as the ARMv7 CNTFRQ and accessible in the Exception Level 0, which means unprivileged access is allowed.

The code then sets the Counter-timer Virtual Offset register (CNTVOFF_EL2 [4]) to zero. This register holds an offset that is applied to the timer when it’s read via Counter-timer Virtual Count (CNTVCT_EL0 [5]).

Information about the ARMv8 Exception Levels can be found here.

CNTVOFF_EL2 can only be set in Exception Level 2, the hypervisor, and can be used to provide a consistent timer from the perspective of each one of the guest virtual machines running on a host OS.

[3] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.8.1 - CNTFRQ_EL0, Counter-timer Frequency register.

[4] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.8.27 - CNTVOFF_EL2, Counter-timer Virtual Offset register.

[5] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.8.26 - CNTVCT_EL0, Counter-timer Virtual Count register.

Enable VFP

	/* Enable FP/SIMD */
	/* All set bits below are res1; bit 10 (TFP) is set to 0 */
	mov x0, #0x33ff
	msr CPTR_EL3, x0

The stub then sets the TFP bit of Architectural Feature Trap Register (CPTR_EL3 [6]), to 0, enabling Scalable Vector Extention and Advanced SIMD and floating-point functionality instructions to Exception Level 3 in both secure and non-secure modes, and both 32 and 64 bits states.

[6] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.2.31 - CPTR_EL3, Architectural Feature Trap Register (EL3)

Exception Level 2 Configuration

	/* Set up SCR */
	mov x0, #SCR_VAL
	msr SCR_EL3, x0

The code continues by configuring Secure Configuration Register (SCR_EL3 [7]) as follows:

Bit Name Value Effect
0 NS 1 Sets Exception Levels 2 and below to non-secure
1 IRQ 0 Does not route IRQ interrupts to EL3
2 FIQ 0 Does not route FIQ interrupts to EL3
3 EA 0 Does not route ABT interrupts to EL3
7 SMD 1 Disables smc (Secure Monitor Call) instructions at EL1 and above
8 HCE 1 Enables hvc (Hypervisor Call) instructions at EL1, EL2, and EL3
9 SIF 0 Allows instruction fetches from non-secure memory while in the secure state
10 RW 1 Sets the state of lower Exception Levels to AArch64

Other bits control the Exception Level required to access system registers.

[7] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.2.99 - SCR_EL3, Secure Configuration Register.

Data Coherency Enable

	/* Set SMPEN */
	msr CPUECTLR_EL1, x0

The stub then enables data coherency with the other cores by setting the SMPEN bit of the CPU Extended Control Register (EL1) (CPUECTLR_EL1).

The other fields of this register, CPURETCTL and FPRETCTL, are related to CPU and VFP retention control. I don’t know what retention control does. They are set to 0 here, which is their default reset value.

System Configuration

	 * Set up SCTLR_EL2
	 * All set bits below are res1. LE, no WXN/I/SA/C/A/M
	ldr x0, =0x30c50830
	msr SCTLR_EL2, x0

Here the core is still running in EL3. Before entering EL2, the system is configured for that Exception Level by setting the System Control Register (EL2) (SCTLR_EL2 [8]). This is a rather complex register. The Cortex-A53 implements the ARMv8-a architecture, so 0x30c50830, configures it as follows (I’ve ommited reserved fields in this architecture, what is left translates nicely to the comment in the code):

Bit Name Value Effect
0 M 0 Disables the MMU
1 A 0 No alignment faults for unaligned memory accesses
2 C 0 Data access to normal memory is non-cacheable
3 SA 0 No alignment faults for sp-based memory accesses if sp is not 16-byte aligned
12 I 0 Instruction access to normal memory is non-cacheable
19 WXN 0 Enables instruction execution from writable memory
25 EE 0 Data access is little-endian

The bits set to 1 in 0x30c50830 are for RES1 reserved fields, which must be written as 1 according to the ARM Glossary.

Differently from the armstub7.S stub, instruction and data caches are disabled here before passing control to the kernel as required by the boot protocol.

[8] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.2.101 - SCTLR_EL2, System Control Register (EL2).

Switch to EL2

	/* Switch to EL2 */
	mov x0, #SPSR_EL3_VAL
	msr spsr_el3, x0
	adr x0, in_el2
	msr elr_el3, x0

The stub then makes the jump to Exception Level 2, by configuring Saved Program Status Register (EL3) (SPSR_EL3 [9]) as follows:

Bit Name Value Effect
3-0 M[3:0] 0b1001 Sets state to EL2h
6 F 1 Disables FIQ interrupts
7 I 1 Disables IRQ interrupts
8 A 1 Disables ABT interrupts
9 D 0 Disables Watchpoint, Breakpoint, and Software Step exceptions

It then puts the address of in_el2 into x0, and sets the Link Register (lr) of the current Exception Level to that address. eret is then executed, which sets pc and CPSR of EL2 to lr and SPSR from EL3, respectively. When execution reaches in_el2, the core is configured as above.

EL2h means Exception Level 2 with the sp register of this EL. EL2t would have meant Exception Level 2, but using the sp register from EL0. For more details, see Stack Pointer Selection.

[9] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section C5.2.19 - SPSR_EL3, Saved Program Status Register (EL3).

Primary CPU Check

	mrs x6, MPIDR_EL1
	and x6, x6, #0x3
	cbz x6, primary_cpu

The code continues by reading the value of the Multiprocessor Affinity Register (MPIDR_EL1 [10]), and isolating the two less significant bits of the Aff0 field. cbz (Compare and Branch on Zero) will branch if the given register is zero. This will make the core 0 jump to primary_cpu to continue the boot process. All other cores continue with the code below.

The MPIDR has been extended in the ARMv8 architecture but is backwards compatible with ARMv7, and since the Cortex-A53 only has four cores, x6 will end up with the CPU ID similar to what armstub7.S does.

[10] ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture profile, section D12.2.86 - MPIDR_EL1, Multiprocessor Affinity Register.

Park Secondary Cores

	adr x5, spin_cpu0
	ldr x4, [x5, x6, lsl #3]
	cbz x4, secondary_spin
	mov x0, #0
	b boot_kernel

Cores other than the primary core will be parked here just like in the armstub7.S. x5 points to the base address where the cores will look for the start address of the code they will run (spin_cpu0). wfe (Wait For Event) will suspend the core until an event happens, and ldr will put the address to run into x4 as in x4 = *(uint64_t*)(x5 + x6 * 8).

In case the address is zero (remember sev will always wake up all cores), the code jumps back to secondary_spin and is suspended again. Otherwise, x0 will be set to 0 as required by the boot protocol and execution will proceed at boot_kernel.

Interestingly, this stub doesn’t use the Core Mailboxes to pass the start addresses to the cores, but a memory location. SmartStart64.S uses the same addresses used here. I couldn’t find a reference to the Core Mailboxes being removed in SoCs using the Cortex-A53, so I don’t know why they’re not used here.

It’s also interesting to notice that there’s no mask that could be used to permanently disable a core in this stub.

Jump to Kernel

	ldr w4, kernel_entry32
	ldr w0, dtb_ptr32

	mov x1, #0
	mov x2, #0
	mov x3, #0
	br x4

In primary_cpu, the stub sets x4 to the value set by the GPU at kernel_entry32, x0 to the address where the Device Tree is loaded, and falls through boot_kernel. This is the path taken by the core 0, the primary CPU. The other cores branch to boot_kernel from the secondary spin, where x0 is set to zero and x4 is set to the address they must run.

In both cases, x1, x2, and x3 are set to zero according to the boot protocol, and execution continues at the address in x4.



.org 0xd8
.globl spin_cpu0
	.quad 0
.org 0xe0
.globl spin_cpu1
	.quad 0
.org 0xe8
.globl spin_cpu2
	.quad 0
.org 0xf0
.globl spin_cpu3
	# Shared with next two symbols/.word
	# FW clears the next 8 bytes after reading the initial value, leaving
	# the location suitable for use as spin_cpu3
.org 0xf0
.globl stub_magic
	.word 0x5afe570b
.org 0xf4
.globl stub_version
	.word 0
.org 0xf8
.globl dtb_ptr32
	.word 0x0
.org 0xfc
.globl kernel_entry32
	.word 0x0

.org 0x100
.globl dtb_space

This part of the stub is composed of data. .ltorg is a assembler directive that makes sure the data is within range of load instructions issued so far.

The data here is the spin_cpuX quads that the secondary CPUs watch in the secondary loop, followed by the magic 0x5afe570b value and the same data as the other stubs.
